Thursday, May 20, 2010

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Vacation Planner 2010...From Your Life Insurance Agent

Kentucky Group Health Insurance – Benefits of Group Insurance

With affordability fast becoming a major issue in the health insurance sector, one of the few ways left out is Kentucky group health insurance. A group insurance policy not only reduces the burdens on individuals, but is able to often times provide more coverage for each one of them. With most individual insurance policies charging you your weight in gold, a group health insurance plan can really simplify things and make sure that your future is secure.

Two options for group coverage would be Health Reimbursement Accounts or HRAs and Health Savings Accounts or HSAs. The price of your health insurance is borne, both by you and your fellow employees and the company itself. With lower premiums to meet, and no initial deposit necessary Kentucky Group Health Insurance brings down your healthcare charges drastically.

Many reforms in the healthcare industry have been introduced to provide better facilities for the patients. However, the government has chosen to overlook the inflation that has been caused by such reforms in health insurance prices. The promised benefits still lie some time ahead in the future and the cons are already showing up, and causing trouble for the common man. A serious rethink of these reforms is in the calling.

When opting for a group health insurance for your company or firm, it is best to deal with a human factor and not your insurance company’s websites. An experienced agent would not only be able to assess your insurance needs on the basis of your company’s size and payroll, but also be able to chalk out a package which is tailor-made to fit your needs.

Independent agents are often able to, with shrewd planning, offer you better deals than a single company. These agents deal with various brands and thus have an idea of which ones would suit your needs the best. In giving them a chance you make sure, that you are not spending more on a deal with one company, than what it would have cost with the other. If you want to secure the futures of yourself and your employees, you must not settle for anything less than the best in Kentucky group health insurance.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Affordable Louisville Kentucky Health Insurance - Top Reasons why Anthem may be the best for you

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield offers residents of Louisville many different options for choosing the right affordable Louisville Kentucky health insurance plan. With choices for individuals, families and groups, we have just the right plan to meet your needs. Maintaining your health is important, but so is controlling your out-of-pocket expenses. So Anthem offers both comprehensive care packages and those designed to reduce your healthcare costs.

Types of Kentucky Health Insurance

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield offers different types of specialty coverage in addition to our Health Coverage plans. These include Dental Coverage, Behavioral Health Plans, Vision Plans, Prescription Plans and, Kentucky Life Coverage.

For residents in Louisville and the rest of Kentucky, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield offers a number of different health coverage options for individuals and families, including:

  • BlueAccess Health Plans that are a line of PPO Plans that allow members the freedom to choose their own doctors

  • Lumenos plans are designed to give you more control over your health care decisions and costs (For more info see below)

  • For those needing health coverage for only a short time (1 to 6 months) Anthem offers Blue Short-Term plans

The HSA concept was developed and approved by Congress a few years back and the purpose was to encourage individuals to think about their own future health care expenses in their retirement years much like how one should consider their own income needs in their retirement years.  The underlying premise was to have people not rely on the Federal Government solely for income and healthcare needs as seniors or in those “retirement years”.  Basically if someone set aside money in a savings account the government is going to allow you to do that and deduct the amounts off of your personal income taxes.  It is that simple.

Should you have further questions regarding your affordable Louisville Kentucky health insurance please don't hesitate to contact us.

Affordable Louisville Kentucky Health Insurance Plans - Top reasons why Humana may be best for you

Searching for an Affordable Louisville Kentucky health plans? Humana, a locally based company may be your best bet. Humana Inc., headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, is one of the nation’s largest publicly traded health insurnace companies, with approximately 10.3 million medical members and approximately 7.2 million specialty-benefit members (dental, medicare, vision, etc).

Humana is a full-service benefits-solutions company, offering a wide array of health and supplementary benefit plans for employer groups, government programs and, specifically, individuals. You can find free Humana quotes here.

Over its 49-year history, Humana has consistently seized opportunities to meet changing customer needs. Today, the company is a leader in consumer education, providing guidance that leads to lower costs and a better health plan experience throughout its diversified customer portfolio.

Humana offers several types of plans: Copay, HSA, and Short-Term Plans. Each of these plans are considered PPO plans. As a member of a PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) plan, you'll be encouraged to use the insurance company's network of preferred doctors and hospitals which could be either exclusively located here in Kentucky or even nationwide. These healthcare providers have been contracted to provide services to the health insurance plan's members at a discounted rate. You typically won't be required to pick a primary care physician but will be able to see doctors and specialists within the network at your own discretion.

You will probably have an annual deductible to pay before the insurance company starts covering your medical bills. You may also have a co-payment for certain services or be required to cover a certain percentage of the total charges for your medical bills.

With a PPO plan, services rendered by an out-of-network physician are typically covered at a lower percentage than services rendered by a network physician.

Do you have more questions about affordable Kentucky Health Plans? Contact us or leave a comment!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Looking for Kentucky Health Insurance? Start with a Free Quote!

If you are starting to search for Kentucky Health Insurance and have no idea where to start the best place would be getting a free quote on a website such as this. It is very simple to get a health insurance quote and very little information is required to get the process started. The only information you will need is your gender, age, height and weight as well as your address. Why is your address necessary you might ask? That is because health insurance rates are determined based on the county in which you live. For example, if you reside in Jefferson County, KY your rates may be slightly higher than if you lived in a county that did not have any large cities. This is because there are typically more hospitals and doctors in the more densely populated areas, as well as the fact that the more people there are, the higher the rate of certain conditions such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, etc.

One thing to note when searching for insurance quotes is that the rates you will see are all going to be the base rates (aka the best scenario), the rates will not take into effect any medications you take or health conditions that you may have (including your height/weight ratio). For more accurate rates you will want to contact an agent, specifically an independent agent, so that they can adjust the rates based on your individual needs.

Any questions? Leave a comment below about Kentucky health insurance and we'll be sure to respond asap!

Kentucky Health Plans - Best Resources For Understanding the Health Care Reform Bill

If you currently have a Kentucky health plans, here is some information that may help you understand the health care reform bill. The Washington Post provides an excellent, helpful list of sites that detail what the health care reform bill means and what you can expect to happen over the next several years. We are already hard at work making sure that the regulations implementing the law are crafted wisely and with input from all affected individuals and organizations. You can give us your opinion on the bill by emailing us. We're taking all points of view seriously as we continue to work with the nation's leaders to implement the law.

Here's the WaPo links list:

  • The Kaiser Family Foundation Web site has a lot of thorough information. To get started, under "New & Noteworthy," click on "summary of the law" for a good synopsis, and on "timeline" to see when various provisions of the law are scheduled to kick in.

  • Families USA is a nonprofit advocacy organization for health-care consumers. Click on the link to "Health Reform Central" to see just about everything you need to know about the new law. To get a recap of the major changes, click on the link that begins "Help is on the way" on the homepage.

  • Click on "Health Care Reform" to see a timeline that's less descriptive than Kaiser's, but easier to grasp visually. The site belongs to an online insurance broker; if you're looking for health insurance, be sure to shop around other sites and brokers.

  • This is straight from the Obama administration. Keep in mind, it helped write the law. Tune out the superlatives and compare the information with the facts from advocacy groups such as Medicare Rights Center.

  • From Consumer Reports, a range of useful information. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on "Health-care reform."

  • From a Web site where borrowers hunt for low mortgage rates and savers look for high-interest CDs, there's a summary with a good focus on costs. Type "reform" into the search box, and click on "What's in it for you."

  • The March of Dimes summarizes key new provisions for women and children. Click on "In the news."

  • The Medicare Rights Center summarizes key new provisions for seniors; click on the big bos that says 'learn more about health reform and Medicare.'

If your still not clear how this may affect you or your family's Kentucky health plans feel free to leave a comment below and we'll be sure to respond.